Tuesday, June 10, 2014

RunningArts.org is Live!!!

All foxes love RunningArts.org

So it has finally happened! RunningArts.org has gone live. It only took two days of screaming at html before it finally relented and mostly obeyed me. The final product is a very simple, yet what I hope is elegant, resource for our humble little group!


Run Like a Fox 5k Coming this Summer!!
The launch of the site is honestly just a steppingstone for the pending Run Like a Fox 5k which we are planning for later this summer. If I get my way, before we are done, it will not only be an amazing little race for around 500 participants, but will feature a time-traveling DeLorean, and a cuddly red fox...yes, I really located a volunteer fox kit!

A few nights ago I found myself wondering how I could find a way to do nothing but this type of philanthropy for the rest of my life. The answer may seem obvious, no. However, I think of it this way, I have just spent months working toward this gigantic goal of making my donation goal for Team Fox, I've slept less than ever before, still maintained my “real” job, and I've never felt better about my purpose on this planet! So truthfully, yes, I can keep this up forever. This feeling is addictive, and even without millions of dollars, I know this is where I am supposed to be!

So what is next? Well, more running first off... we are getting too close tot he TCS NYC Marathon, and now I don't have to sit in front of this screen all the time. Second, assuming the amazing folks at the City of Orlando Families, Parks and Recreation Dept. come though on my preferred venue for the Fox 5k, I am going to be spending more time recruiting sponsors for the event! Sounds like a regular next step, but as a first time race director, I know I am going to have 5000 tasks to plan and accomplish, and I'm probably only going to get to half that. So that brings us to step 3, which is recruit talented volunteers!

I've actually been exceptionally luck in this regard, from Boy Scouts, to Blue Key, to Disney Voluntears, I have some excellent contacts. That being said, I'm still going to be pounding the pavement seeking more generous folks who are going to be there on registration and race day. The great news folks, is that this is a wonderful family to join!

So, that about sums up my next three months. I know at the end of this summer we are all going to be successful, proud, and on our way to New York!
In the mean time, please continue to spread the word of the beautiful work of RunningArts.org, and keep the donations coming!!

Did I mention that everyone who donates over $10 to my Team Fox page before the official race launch will get a complementary entry??

Pass it on!!

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